Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30th
Woke up super early again for econs lecture.
Had tutorial after that.It was so god damn tiring.
Went to take down the feedback pyramid and signs after that.
Collated ideas from the forms :)
Waited for Zhen Wei to pass him the forms.
In AJ Blazer!
Off to lunch with Shir,Jane,Ken and Rach.
Things turn out for the worst.
You were not there.
Rain Came.
Hate that bus.
People giving me problems.
Indecisive people in this world are pests.
Indecisive people who love to sabotage others are even worse.
Soccer after that.Had such a great game today!
Shots kept going.
Goals kept coming.
We are just at the beginning of our journey.
You are my life
12:20 AM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, May 29th
PW workshop is booooooring!
Spent my time shitting away.
Joyce is cute.
HAHAHHAHA!She is super reactive when one touches her ponytail.
Guys out there should try it!
Watched Indiana.It was quite ok. :)
Lunch was BAD!
You are loved.
The park was nice!Its so damn serene!
Ang Mo Kio West Park!
The traffic light at the junction of Ang Mo Kio Ave 5 and 6 went faulty.
Traffic was a chaos.Called the police.
The traffic police came in a scooter 6 minutes later. :)
Gave locker tuition.
Off to GYM!
My chest hurts so much.And my triceps are complaining too.
Had my protein after that.
Back home :)
So breathe in so deep,breathe me in.I'm yours to keep. And hold onto your words,cause talk is cheap And remember me tonight,when your asleep
You are my life
10:59 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wednesday, may 28th
Off to the last moments of the AB Camp!
Cheered our dear instructors on!
I will miss you guys cheyenne!
Remember to say HI to me in school!



Boys of Cheyenne!
Finally.I saw my salvation after six days :)
That moment was so great I had nothing that I want to say except to look deep into your eyes.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You are my life
11:57 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 27th
Its close to the end of another day.
I was so glad to hear your voice last night. :)
Woke up late.
Fifa Street 3 time.
Went back to sleep.
Back to the XBOX 360.
Life is this boring today.
Gonna go back to mugging tomorrow. :)
And it is Wilson's birthday tomorrow!
Happy Birthday WILSON!!!
You are my life
10:35 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Journal at AB Camp
Friday, May 23rd
I left for AB Camp with dilemma.I don't know what I will be going through and how are the six days gonna pass.I did not want to go for the camp as I can never ever leave you.You are my shelter,my salvation.As you walk me to the school gate,my heart aches.I still cannot believe that you will be so far from me for the next six days.
I walk into the school feeling rather flabbergasted.As I approach the track to report,shouts filled my ears.That feeling of nostalgia hit me in the face as the thoughts of NCC flooded my head.The tone of the camp was so god damn regimental.As we rush here and there from workshop to workshop,I dread the days that are about to come.
I lay awoke that night,thinking about how much I love you.My love for you is as deep of that of a bottomless pit.Saturday, May 24th
Been dreaming of you all night.
Set off to the Labrador Adventure Centre.The morning was so dead.Shouts filled my ears early in the morning.
Started off with the rock wall.I thought it was rather difficult at first.But it was quite conquerable.
We moved on to the bouldering wall that really brought my group,Cheyenne, together :) We cheered each other on learning many valuable leadership lessons.
You flooded my mind once again.
My heart is in the north,my body is in the south.
Nothing can be done to ease the pain.
More activites and workshops continued as the ache in my heart piled on.
I sat at the corner thinking all about you.Tears rolled,emotions garnered.All I want is you.Sunday, May 25th
Woke up with an emptyness in my heart.That is the space for my emotions
I miss you so much that I can't feel the pain anymore.
Sandcastle building was in the morning,but all I had in my mind was you.
I stared out at the sea wondering how you are feeling today.
I miss your eyes,your smile,your touch so much that I would rather die than go through 5 more days without you.
Back to Labrador Adventure Centre for Outdoor Games.Thunder clouds approach.Torrential rain came.Our activities got cut.Moved to Indoor Games in the hall.
Cheyenne was tasked to build a highest possible straw tower that could balance a marble on the tip of it.This activity taught me to be contented with our goals.To not go for what is beyond our reach,keeping in mind other factors,not only with one goal.
Building foundation is important and not to let negative ideas to affect us.
Values workshop,SL planning,supper.
I sat there staring blankly at your picture,thinking about you and only you.You are all that I want,all that I need.I need you,I miss you,I love you.
Monday, May 26th
Severe pain filled my head.
Rain came again as our activities got cancelled.
Been vomiting for the past few days.Ain't feeling well.Went to report sick.
Seen a doctor.Got 3 days of MC.Left the camp 3 days early.
I wanna thank Sherry,Charlie and Tueston for taking our feedback seriously and for their support towards the Cheyenne campers and the Campers for helping out!
Alpha Bravo Camp Delta Experience,Cheyenne 08'
Awesome Aida
Cartoon Casuarine
Dynamic Daniel
Exciting Edwin
Happy Huidan
Jovial Janice
Kind Kerby
Kinder Khoon Liang
Loyal Louisa
Sexy Stephanie
Ticko Tick Meng
Wow Wenxiong
Xtreme Xuhao
Zesty Zhanglu
Zany Zhanyee
Catastrophic Charlie
Sexier Sherry
Terrific Tueston
You are my life
5:33 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday,20th May
Went to school to see Mr Cheng.
He was not in staff room at 7 am.
Spoke to him on the phone.
Rachel says that I sound like he is forcing me to say all my mistake.
I dunno.I guess he just wants me to change.
I mean teachers only wanna mould us into better people right?
School started.
It was ok ok and ok.
School ended.
Wednesday,21st May
Learnt that Timor Leste is not part of Asean.
Break.Spent sleeping in the RR.
Econs so rock.Mr Hue is GOOOOOD!
GP.Mrs Yim said that I am in LALA Land in her class.
Chinese.ORAL Rocks
Math.It was ok ok and ok!
It was simply awe inspiring after school.
Life never rock so much.
And I got so hooked on it.
You can trust me.Have some faith.
Tomorrow Chinese Mid years.Hopefully I will do well :)
And pray hard that my letter get approved!
All the reliance you need,it is all here with me.
You are my life
7:17 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday,May 18th
Mugged in the morning.
Did my inequalities tutorial! :)
Went to meet ah girl and got the flowers for the choir dudes.
Love the train ride!Train so rock as compared to buses! XD
Met Vannessa,Erika,CT and LC!
CT look so glam for the first time!
Went to hongkong cafe.
Vanessa is so damn good at busteding me!
She should go and marry Junquan and have a bunch of BUSTED kids.
Walk to esplanade.The girls decided that they wanna go to the loo.
I waited for so damn long outside that I thought they are taking a bath inside?
Went to our seats!
Aaron was sitting so near us!!LIKE 2 seats away!!
The choir performance so rock!
Saw the dudes after that.

Rach and me!


Went to Dhoby Mac!
Had my regular grilled chicken foldover!
Went home on the train!
Sat beside a very nice Islam preacher who was telling me about how we should respect other religeons and how much our parents sacrifice for us.I really learnt a lot from her.
Had a nice peaceful walk home.Always love the walk home.Its always very peaceful and serene.
Chatted till 5 and slept!
Someone made my day!!!
Monday,May 19th
Happy Vesak Day!
Woke up.Did history tutorial.
Did GPP.
Read Chinese.
Continued with history tutorial.
Watched some tv.
Ate some food.
Read more Chinese.
Watched 2 episodes of simpsons.
Read even more Chinese.
Started blogging.
I really dread tomorrow.
Wonder what Mr Clement Cheng will do to me :(
I miss you so much.I want you so badly.
You are my life
11:15 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Woke up.
Watched Made of Honour.
It was pretty ok!
Flirt turns into faithful little guy.
Sounds familiar.
It takes a real man to be a maid of honour
Went to Bishan Gym.Did my upper body work out and my quads training.
Felt so jelly when I walk out of the gym.
Was missing you till my heart aches by then.
Subway!Eat Fresh!
My dinner tonight!

Its a Cheese Steak.
But nothing beats my fav!
Meatball Marinara.

Walk around j8 busteding around with the guys!Met Arul.
He became like so skinny!
Came home.
Gonna go bath and mug soon.
Oh oh and its my big brother birthday today!
Choir Concert tomorrow.
Good luck Guys!
You are my life
11:14 PM
Friday,16th May
Went to school.Paid Weicheng the cheerleading money.
Had damn long morning announcements.
Math lecture. :)
It was pretty ok!
Math tutorial!
Service Learning!
Econs Lecture!
WOHOO!I pass my case study test!
PW meeting with Mrs Toh!
YEAP!She indeed enlightened me!
My GPP lacks so much details.
Went back to St. Gabriel's.
A lot has happened in St. Gabriel's.
A fellow Gabrielite had passed on.
Some parents got some kidnap scams.
Got my letter to be submitted to Ms Leong.
Went home.Saw my lil brother.Finally he is back from camp.

Met Rach.
Met Yufei.
Receive message from Belinda that I had to see Mr Cheng on Tuesday morning.I am dreading it already.I can feel its nothing good.No where near good.I felt like shit when I saw the message.
I have been thinking a lot lately.Is it worth the change for council?Is it what I want to be, someone I am not?I guess sacrifices have to be made.Been trying to make the change for the past few eeks.I guessed no one noticed.
Met Liang and Boon.
Met Weicheng.
Met Joyce.
Met Jane.
Met Kendrick.
Off to Casuarina Curry.
Had my Chicken Cheese Murtabak.
Joyce was like admiring her Chocolate Prata!HAHHA!
Found out from Kendrick that Weizhong got in basketball finals!
Congrats Weizhong!

Weizhong and I
Everyone had a damn full dinner.
Some shots during dinner ")

Chocolate Prata

Chicken Cheese Murtabak


House Captain!





Kendrick Cream Pie!

Joyce and her Chocolate Prata!

Zhanyee and Joyce's Chocolate Prata. XD
Went to justin's house.
On the way Liang was like telling me how he fear that he would get raped when he is on the way home.I was like OHHHHH PLEASE!
The moment I walk in Justin house Wilson and Magon started re-enacting what happened last saturday.Whatever.Drank a bit.Had some fun!




Junquan and Wilson

Wilson and Magon DANCIN

Jiansheng and I
Came home.
You are my life
12:00 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday,May 15
WOOT!Late in the morning again!
Luckily this time it was the bus that caused us to be late!
So I kinda escaped!
PE today was so slacked cause I am like done with NAPFA already.
Just sat at the grand stand looking at the guys running 2.4km.Then on the track I saw timothy.
He kinda resemble marcus.HAHAH.I just realised.Just that he is a bit bigger and darker than marcus.
Had carrot juice after that.It was so you.
History lecture was so weird.We started off having a quiz about Asean?And my teacher insisted that Asean only have 10 member countries as of yesterday.He says that Timor Leste is in Asean?We were like Wth-ing!
Then we had like Chinese.LA LA LA LA LA!We had Chinese Oral!It was quite ok.It was about blogging.I felt so sian diao during chinese.Like totally moodless.All I had in my mind was you,
when you were just 3 classrooms away :(
Break break break.Me and Weizhong were like taking turns doing our work in 1145.
I did my work in the first period.Weizhong slept.
Then Weizhong did his work in the second period.I slept.
Was emoing the whole time.I felt so lost without you.
I felt like shit.
History tutorial was not bad.At least I understood the Castro's Revolution better already! :)
2 hours break.Madness break.Went to eat at Chops and Grills.
Black Pepper Chicken Chop+Cheese Sausage!
Went to the library to get the interview book Mrs Toh encouraged us to read.It was not bad actually!Read like Mr Kiasu in the library.Then Wanchun message me telling me that I was very hardworking to be in the library.I did not see her till 2 minutes later when I realised she was just behind me with her head down!I was like "CHUNNIE!!!"Talked to chunnie for a while,returned the redspot book and off to Math Tutorial!
Math was like quite interesting.Learnt quite a lot about Standard Curves!
And I saw the light in math!WOOOT!

My Math Teacher!Mr LEE!

Math Tutorial Entertainment.
Had to meet up with my Mission Group after school today.So off I went to the Ohana.

Cupidman emerges at the OHANA!

Yanling and her famous "V" sign!
Alpha Bravo Camp Delta Experience(ABCDE)
Who the hell came up with this lame @%^$&*^(*$&^#(&)& name?
Had ABCDE breifing today.

Cupidman shows his hot face!
And I just realised that the 4 guys sitting in a row all had billabong wallets.Wei Jian,Gregory,Jermyn and Me!


ABCDE breifing!
Some people on this planet are so blockheaded.Can't they think?They think that the whole world revoles around them?Why are they so damn selfish?
We don't live for them!We live for ourselves!
Saw this spider devouring the beetle!COOL!
Made me think that I need this too I'm trying to let you hear me as I am
You are my life
8:24 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday,14th May
Argh the morning was so eventful.
Missed like 2 buses.When the third bus came,I realised I forgot to bring my wallet.
Went home to get my wallet.
By the time I came back I was freaking late for school. :(
Had a history test in the morning.
The events in the morning made me so shag that i kinda nodded off and wake up.
Wake up and nodded off.To the extent that I had like 6 different handwritings on my paper. X(
Went for break.
Econs lecture was not bad!I got to see you! :)
GP tutorial.Sorry Mrs Yim for not doing your work.I do not mean it.SORRY SORRY SORRY! :(
Chinese tutorial.It was quite ok!Starting to understand Chinese.
Chinese teacher and my TEDDY!
This is what I did during chinese lesson today!
Went to math lesson.It has been down pouring the whole day!
This was how it looked like outside 1112.
Then had cheer support at CCAB!
3rd and 4th placing matches for both volleyball guys and girls!
On the way there!
Zhenwei's way of supporting AJC with his GC!
You are my life
9:25 PM