Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Tuesday, 1st June.
Today is supposed to be happy.
But I am sad.
I dunno why.
I feel depressed.
I smell jealousy.
Love never tripped me like this before.
I never felt like such a failure.
I am a loser.
Life never went the way wanted.
Tonight felt like that night in december.
You are my life
9:27 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sorry that I haven't been blogging the past few days :(
I had like my Mid-years.
Its such a freaking sucky time so far.
Got fever last thursday.It lasted till Saturday.
Was mugging the whole time.
Fever came back on Sunday.
Studied for Econs Paper
Went for Econs paper with fever.
Case Study Paper was ok.
Essay Paper was a major screw up!
Went home.Nap.
Wake up with a high fever!
Bad headache.
So bad that I can't even walk straight!
Slept the whole night!
Woke up the next day afternoon.
Went to see the doctor.
Went home took medicine and slept.
Studied 4 hours for math.
Went for Math Paper.
Then had Lit Paper.
Went home!
No fever!HAD RASHES!
studied history with rashes irritating me!
History Paper
Still have rashes.....
You are my life
9:24 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, 16th June
day 16
Went to collect ClassTee
Went to Queensway with polo tee berms and slippers.
Kendrick came up with like shirt and pants.
Great Contrast!
We waited for 3 damn hours for the stupid shirt cause the uncle was not done printing.
Saw Garrett and chatted abit!
Came home.
Tuesday, 17th June
day 17
Went to school to mug.
Read up on econs.
Rach tried so hard to irritate me, but she kinda failed.
Marcus came to join us after that!
Rach was like practically sleeping when we were mugging.
I so need my thinking cap when i am mugging :D
Went to watch Kung Fu Panda after that.
Studied functions.
Wednesday, June 18
day 18
Went to school to mug.
Did quite a bit of math.
Came home.
Studied history.
Going to sleep soon.
Gonna go back school to study tomorrow :D
You are my life
11:51 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Saturday, June 14
day 14
Woke up.
Watch some youtube videos.
Watch Just Follow Law.
Ate dinner.
Watch Singapore Vs Saudi
Chat on MSN.
Life is damn boring....
Pictures from 11th June Pae Outing!
Just got them from cristele!

Before Sakae

After Sakae



At Pool!
You are my life
11:38 PM
Friday, June 14th
Woke up and mugged till 5 pm.
Went out to meet Dav the dragonboater :D
Off to 17/08 class bbq!
Don't ask me why I was there :D
Dav and I were kinda extra there, so we went to Bball at one corner.
Rach and I were hahahhahaha omg.
Then dav was like you wanna kena whack is it?
Cheer Peeps!
You are my life
1:22 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday,June 11th
day 11
Finally i get to see my 08S10 peeps!
I miss them so damn much!
So it was kinda reminiscence yesterday!
We went back to the same sakae and sat back at the same table!
Junquan and I nearly got killed by the amount of food we ordered!
Pictures and went to pool with rach and her primary school dudes!
Dav was there tooo.
It was like a so damn high day!
Then ahahhah!Back home to study!
Manage to finish market failure part 1
Some pictures taken in the day!

Food we ordered!MADNESS SHIAT!

Junquan dead after eating all that!

Germaine the tofu monster!

Abigoogoo and I
Thursday, June 12th
day 12
Hmmm I miss cheer so much!
Went ice skating!Weicheng is so damn pro!
Yufei is damn cool when he is on the ice!hahahha
He is like dancing in his own cool way!
And the rest were having the time of their lives!
Rachel was shouting her arse off into my ear all the time.
Pooled after that!
I am such a nice guy!
I practically help the opponents win the game. :(
Went for sneakers hunting after that!
Found the one I wanted!
Pictures of the day!
Love cougar cheer!




Cheeky Boy Back in Action!

On the way HOME!!!
Whiny Baby!
You are my life
12:41 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, June 10
day 10
Hmmm today is like super uneventful.
This is what happened.
Xbox 360.
Life is black and white without you.
You are my life
9:11 PM
Monday, June 09, 2008
Monday, June 9th
day 9
Woke up at 630 in the morning to meet rach for breakfast at macs!
YAY MACS BREAKFAST!Was craving for it for quite a long time :D
Rachel's bad fringe day.AHAHHA!She never fail to make me smile :D
Went to get more origami paper!Whieee.
Art Friend is like my friend!
Shopping with Shir,Jane,Rach.
It was like a stupid retarded time.
Dearest Jane made me carry her shorts.
When the girls were like talking about Sanitary pads I was like standing there.
HAHAHHA.Then I went like I love whisper wings!Its the best.
The woman standing opposite turned around and everyone bursted out laughing!
Jane was like the biggest spender in the end!NailPolish,New shorts,BAG!
Oh and while shopping for nail polish the sisterhood got the same pale pink nail polish!
I shall call them PK102 from now on! :)
HAHHAHAH!Was Camwhoring while Jane was shopping!
Meet the ultimate CAMWHORES!
OMG!*sebas style
Looked for Bryan's birthday present.Like search so many darn shops and we found like the right one?
Hope you like your present Bryan!
You are my life
10:58 PM
Sunday, June 8th
day 8
Woke up with bak kut teh smell in my room.
Guess that it is that peppery smell that woke me up. :D
Watch simpsons.
Ate lunch.
Revised my history.
Back to TV and dinner.
History again.
Chatted with stacey.
Haiya....all those good old days with my bestie!
20 more days to seeing you!
I can't wait for you to come back to SINGAPORE!
You are my life
1:04 AM
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Saturday, June 8th
day 7
Woke up late.
Message you.
Went back to my deep deep sleep when something in my dream came true :D
Ate my wonderful lunch.
Went back to deep deep sleep.
Started messaging.Waited for you.
Out for dinner.
The jam to town was so damn bad.Like super bad.
Went to Crystal Jade for dinner.
The red bean paste is so damn nice!
The red bean just disintegrate when my mouth closes.
The sweetness of the paste empowers me!
Headless Friends
More sexy headless friends
Younger BRO!
Was being retarded taking stupid shots in the car :D
Made the smallest rose ever!!!
Look at the diff in size.
You are my life
12:38 AM
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Friday, May 6th
Day 6
Council Meeting in school.
Crapped damn lot.
Went to meet Hmmmm%.
Hmmmm% totally rock my life.
We got shoebags after hunting the whole singapore for something uniquely us.
Love the trip back home.
Ate Dinner.
Off to soccer.
Went to the Sky Court.
It was like occupied.
So we went to the Moon Court instead.
Scored a few goals.
Had quite an ok game.
Back home.
You are my life
12:14 AM
Friday, June 06, 2008
Thursday, June 5th
day 5
Went to meet up with erika,chenting,timothy,sebas and HMMM<3.
Ate at LJS and Pooled.
Walk was great.
Came home.
Shit happens.
You are everything.
You are my life
1:00 AM
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Wednesday, June 4th
day 4
PW meeting in school. :)
Split the reserach work for holidays,Prepared the content page for written report. :)
Went to meet stranger.
Stranger is sweeet.
Thanks for everything today my stranger! :D
Sarang Hae Yo Stranger. <3 style="font-style: italic; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> You'll always be a part of me.I'm a part of you indefinitely.
Girl don't you know you can't escape me.Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby. And we'll linger on,time can't erase a feeling this strong,no way you're never gonna shake me.Ooh darling cause you'll always be my... my baby-Always be my baby,David Cook
You are my life
8:28 PM
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tuesday, June 3rd
day 3
Started the day off to school.
Was damn hungry so i decided to get instant noodles from the vending machine.
Got the hot water then i forgot i got no chopsticks.
So i kinda drained the god damn burning hot(BLAZING HOT) and burnt my tongue in the process.
Then i ate the damn noodles.
Went for Literature poetry workshop.
It was pretty ok.
HAHAH!The teacher keep saying my poems cmi.OMG!
They are damn nice can?
Here are some shots!

Carissa and Yoke Cheng

Suicide Note 1:If you are of the opinion that the contemplation of suicide is sufficient evidence of a poetic nature,do not forget that actions speak louder than words.-Fran Lebowitz

Suicide Note 2:I'm not afraid of dying,I'm just afraid of not living.-Anonymous


Renzhi's Girlfriend!

Stupid Cheeky Boy


Life is like a play
Death is self-made
Life is mummy-daddy-made
Went to meet HMMM? after that.

Standard Pose.Change some new pose please! XD

Mugging Mugging

Saw this book at the library!
You are my destiny.When you hold my hand,I understand.
The magic that you do,you're my dream come true,my one and only you.
You are my life
10:54 PM
Monday, June 02, 2008
Monday, June 2nd.
(day 2)
Five and a half hours of math in the morning?
Like what the hell?
And yeap went to watch speed racer.
It was kinda lame.The theatre was filled with loads of kids.
HMMM! had such a good sleep.Was it that boring?
Went to Queensway to order class tee after that :)
21 bucks to lynette please!!!
Have some crap lit workshop tomorrow.Got a feeling its gonna suck so much.
I got a sweet and fine taste for you.It might me too obvious but I can't help myself from what I do.Cause you make me go out of my way,crossing the line,making my say what I have in mind
You are my life
10:43 PM
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Saturday, May 31st
Woke up at 1308.
Had lunch.
Read through a book that is gonna help me in GP.
Went out.
Love the time.
Back home.
Continued to read.
Through today,I have learnt that life is so hard to comprehend.People are living for the sake of living,loving for the sake of loving.
Why must we live,why must we love.
I guess the latter answers the former.
Love is the movement to empower life.the feeling of warmness deep inside.
It gives us the drive to live.The drive to be ourselves.
We are often complicated with what is happening around us.Not understanding what is going on.
But why keep yourself bothered by the problems that might only arise in the future.
Enjoy and embrace what you have now.Create a perfect present for the better good of our future.
Mould life to the way you want instead of allowing things to go the way that you do not want to.
I guess you did not only hit me.
You have influenced life of others too.
I shall stand strong and respect you.
I will not be swayed,instead to live stronger,to be better.
All I see is you,when there are so many more out there.
Believe in yourself cause I believe in you.
Oh, I'm into you and,girl no one else would do. With every kiss and every hug,you make me fall in love. And now I know I can't be the only one.
You are my life
12:19 AM
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30th
Woke up super early again for econs lecture.
Had tutorial after that.It was so god damn tiring.
Went to take down the feedback pyramid and signs after that.
Collated ideas from the forms :)
Waited for Zhen Wei to pass him the forms.
In AJ Blazer!
Off to lunch with Shir,Jane,Ken and Rach.
Things turn out for the worst.
You were not there.
Rain Came.
Hate that bus.
People giving me problems.
Indecisive people in this world are pests.
Indecisive people who love to sabotage others are even worse.
Soccer after that.Had such a great game today!
Shots kept going.
Goals kept coming.
We are just at the beginning of our journey.
You are my life
12:20 AM